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Stravito vs. Google Drive: Which platform is right for us?

Sarah Wiggins May 28, 2021


The short answer: You should probably use both.

Turning knowledge management strategy into action is a complex endeavor. It requires the right tools for each stage of the knowledge management process: capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge. But it also requires an intentionally designed tech ecosystem. When the right tools work together, the process runs much more smoothly, taking the way you work with insights from good to great.

If you’re already using Google Drive, it might seem redundant at first to get a dedicated knowledge management software like Stravito, as they can both be used to store and share files.

But comparing the two is actually like comparing apples and oranges; effective knowledge management is more like making a fruit salad.


How is Stravito different? 

Google Workspace has become a staple for modern businesses. It offers a coherent package of tools for creativity and collaboration, like email, video meetings, word processing, that can essentially be accessed from anywhere and from any device. It also allows for secure, cloud-based storage of documents via Google Drive, which is conveniently synchronized with other tools in Google Workspace.  

Google Drive is great for storing live documents, where you want to collaborate real-time with your colleagues or that need to be updated on a regular basis. These are particularly important functionalities for the Capturing phase of the knowledge management process. 

But when it comes to dealing with finalized documents in the Distributing and Effectively Using phases, Stravito’s specialized technology is ideal. This is because Stravito is specifically designed to let you find, use, and share market research and insights. Effectively working with this type of knowledge requires different approaches to 2 key functionalities: organizing and search.


Flexible, user-friendly ways to organize knowledge

Google Drive’s capacity for real-time collaboration is pretty stellar (we love it ourselves!). But organizing those documents to access later can be a challenge. Google Drive relies on a more traditional, cloud-based filing system, built on folders and sub-folders. This can create a challenge for documents that are relevant in more than one area or for more than one team.  

For example, a report on claims related to plant-based products might fit into a folder dedicated to plant-based products, but also one dedicated to claims testing. With Stravito, there’s no need to make two copies of the same file or choose one folder; your knowledge can exist in multiple locations simultaneously. Simply drag-and-drop the report or research into each relevant Collection in Stravito, just like you would have the same song in more than one playlist in Spotify. 

With minimal manual effort required to keep your information organized, you’ll have more time to actually analyze and apply your insights.


Powerful, tailored search  

Google Drive search can be good for finding files you know exist and that you know the title of. But of course, that’s not the only reason to search for information. Sometimes you don’t remember the exact file name. Sometimes you’re looking for the answer to a question. And sometimes you’re looking for inspiration. 

This is where a knowledge management platform like Stravito really comes in handy. It lets you search across a variety of content types (think videos, PowerBI dashboards, and external research providers you work with like Euromonitor and Mintel). And it also shows you relevant sections within a report, so you can go directly to what matters. 

Stravito goes beyond keyword search with Natural Language Processing, making it easy to find relevant information based on what you mean, not just what you type. And Stravito’s search is tailored to your organization’s specific lingo; we make sure that our Machine Learning algorithms understand what matters to your company. You can also create custom filters to find what you’re looking for even faster. 

In summary, Stravito provides you with powerful, tailored technology to work more effectively with complex information, by making it easy to access, search, and share. And that includes the files you create, update, and store in your Google Drive.


A perfect match: Stravito & Google Drive integration

With our Google Drive integration, it’s easy to connect your Stravito platform to your Google Drive so that files can be automatically uploaded to and made searchable in Stravito. 

And if you’ve been previously using Google Drive to manage your market research, you don’t even need to transfer it over. With the integration in place, you can easily access your market intelligence in Stravito, no manual uploading necessary. 

Knowledge is one of the most important assets a company can have in today’s economy. That’s why a successful knowledge management strategy includes a well-stocked, user-friendly toolbox. 

So really, the question to ask yourself isn't:

Which platform is right for us?

But rather: 

What opportunities can we unlock if we use both?


Request a demo of the Stravito knowledge management platform