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Introducing the Consumer Insights Podcast


Over the last 5 years, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to some of the best and brightest individuals in the market research world. Between the conferences, webinars, and fireside chats, I’ve had more than my fair share of illuminating conversations. 

After a certain point, I started to wonder: what if we did this more consistently? And made sure that anyone who wanted could listen from essentially anywhere? 

Well, I’m thrilled to share that the day has come. Yesterday, we officially launched the Consumer Insights Podcast! 


What it’s all about

Each episode, I get the chance to interview an insights industry leader, to hear their unique perspective on where the industry is and where it’s going. And even more importantly how they’re integrating consumer insights into strategy to move business forward. 

But once we recorded the first few episodes, I quickly realized that this podcast is going to go a lot deeper and provide more insight (honestly no pun intended) than I even imagined. 

In the first episode, I had the joy of speaking with Edwin Taborda, Global Head of Insights at Electrolux, about the role of insights in delivering sustainable business growth. 

Then in episode two, I had the opportunity to reconnect with Annie Petitt, Chief Research Officer at E2E Research services, on how to conduct more meaningful market research. 

And in our next episode, you’ll get to hear from Kyle Papanikolas, Global Insights Senior Director at McDonald's Corporation.


What’s to come 

This journey has only just started, and I’m already so excited to see how this podcast grows and evolves. 

Maybe you’ll just listen in once. Maybe you’ll listen in a few times. Maybe you’ll become a regular listener. Or maybe you’ll even join me on the show. 

However our paths cross, I’ll be glad that they do. And I hope you’ll take away something (maybe even several things) that can help you envision a more human-centric future. 


Subscribe to the Consumer Insights Podcast

The Consumer Insights Podcast is available on both Apple and Spotify. And if you’re feeling really generous, it would be incredible if you could rate and review after listening to your first episode to give us your honest feedback. 

Because like I said, it’s going to be a journey!