Do You Really Need an Insights Platform?

The short answer: if you don’t have a dedicated software for insights management, you’re probably leaving money on the table.
When it comes to market research, many companies still don’t rely on a dedicated system to help them keep track of their research and insights. Because when you’re caught up in the day-to-day insights work, it seems like it’s not a major priority.
In any individual instance, it might feel reasonable to stop what you’re doing and just send a stakeholder the report they’re asking for. Or to just go ahead and commission a new study since your search didn’t return anything.
But each of those instances add up, and all of a sudden your insights team is acting as the company’s information desk rather than working as a strategic business partner.
Valuable research and insights are going unused, you’re spending hours each week looking for “that report from last month/quarter/year”, and far too often duplicate reports are being commissioned because no one could locate (or perhaps even knew of) the original one.
Time and resources are being wasted, limiting the impact and opportunity that your insights can create.
And that’s precisely why Stravito was invented.
Here are some signs that Stravito could benefit your insights team:
- You’re answering the same questions over and over again for stakeholders.
- You often struggle to find the reports you need.
- You feel like there isn’t enough time for forecasting, trendspotting, and analysis.
- You don’t feel like you have a firm understanding of what research is being conducted in other markets/countries/business units.
- You often store reports on your own computer.
- You want to democratize insights in your organization to create a more consumer-centric, insights-led culture but aren’t sure where to start.
What makes Stravito different?
If any of the points above resonated with you, then Stravito can definitely help you to address those challenges and realize your insights vision.
Below, we’ll dig deeper into how Stravito is specifically designed to elevate the role of insights in your organization.
Secure, cloud-based storage
If you don’t have a dedicated system for your research and insights, you’re likely relying on a built-in storage system on your work computer (if you’re using Google Drive or SharePoint, you can check out these specific articles to compare notes).
While these can seem like the easiest way to store your market research and insights, they actually can create a lot of challenges in the long run.
If your work computer is broken, lost, or stolen, the files themselves are stuck on the hard drive. This is one reason why the cloud-based storage provided by Stravito is ideal, as the files remain secure and accessible no matter what happens to the computer itself. And Stravito’s ongoing back-ups ensure that you don’t have to worry about your files getting accidentally lost or destroyed.
Additionally, Stravito makes it easy to ensure that sensitive reports don’t fall into the wrong hands. With tailored access management, you can easily make adjustments to who can view, download, and upload files. And if you want to share files via link, Stravito automatically generates a secure link only available to platform users at your company.
Powerful search
Have you ever saved a report to your Google Drive or OneCloud, only to spend ages trying to find your way back to it later on? Another way that Stravito is tailored to research and insights work is through its search function.
Stravito’s search is powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP), which means it goes beyond exact keywords. Instead of having to remember an exact file name, Stravito will understand what you mean with your search, returning results that feature synonyms and closely related ideas or concepts.
But Stravito’s search isn’t just powerful; it’s designed to save you time. When you conduct a search in Stravito, it will show you exactly where all the hits are in the file (including video audio!). This is particularly helpful when you’re conducting an exploratory search.
In addition, Stravito’s search is multilingual and works across a variety of file types, including dashboards and videos. You can also create custom filters (think brand names, product lines, etc) to quickly narrow down search results to those most relevant.
A more flexible approach to organizing files
A common barrier to effective insights management is the work involved to make sure that files are easy to find, with or without search. For example, ensuring that file names follow a consistent structure, the appropriate tags are selected, and that the file ends up in the right folder can be such a nuisance that it doesn’t feel worth it to bother organizing them at all.
Stravito is designed to eliminate this workload. To categorize files, you just drag-and-drop to upload, and then AI and machine learning take care of the rest. All files you upload are automatically indexed and classified so that they’re easy to find later.
Another key difference with Stravito is that you are no longer confined by rigid folder structures. Instead, Stravito uses Collections, which are like the playlists you create in Spotify. Reports are then able to be placed in all places that they’re relevant, instead of being limited to a single location.
Design meant to inspire and encourage curiosity & innovation
Another key difference with Stravito is that it’s purpose-driven. What do we mean when we say purpose-driven? Well, that it’s specifically designed to drive insights usage across the organization.
There are a few ways Stravito accomplishes this. One is that the actual platform interface is inspired by services you likely use in your daily life, like Spotify, Netflix, and Google.
This means that using Stravito is highly intuitive – no extensive manuals or training sessions required. By removing common obstacles (like a user experience that leaves you feeling meh), it makes it easier for you to focus on what matters.
Another way is through the ability to curate insights for stakeholders and teams across your organization.
For example, you can create Collections or articles that summarize what stakeholders should know about the latest relevant consumer trends. The platforms of individual users can also be completely tailored based on key factors like their role, category, region, and more.
In other words, Stravito provides an experience that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for, while also making it easy to get inspiration whenever you need it.
As one of our clients put it:
You don’t just want to serve up fish on a plate, you want to teach people to fish for themselves.
Conclusion: Stravito is the clear choice for insights
If your insights team is serious about cultivating consumer centricity and democratizing insights, the choice is clear.
A dedicated insights platform like Stravito will give you the support you need to take your work to the next level and ensure that more insights are being leveraged across the organization.
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